RHEL 7 was released over a month ago and CentOS 7 not much later, but one piece of software was still missing: syslog-ng. Not any more. EPEL, which stands for Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux, is a software collection containing additional packages for Enterprise Linux and derivatives. Now its latest version, EPEL 7 also contains syslog-ng. EPEL 5 was released with syslog-ng 2.1, EPEL 6 with syslog-ng 3.2 and EPEL 7 with syslog-ng 3.5. Thanks to the changes in Enterprise Linux, some limitations of earlier packages are gone now, including the lack of encrypted network communications support. The EPEL 7 package has most of the features of the Fedora 21 package, including SQL, SMTP, JSON, Redis and GeoIP support. The only feature missing is the MongoDB destination, as the required library is not available in Enterprise Linux or EPEL.